3 oz self-raising flour
4 level tblsp cocoa powder
1½ oz margarine
3 oz caster sugar
5 tblsp milk
2 caps of vanilla essence
2 oz soft light brown sugar
2 level tblsp cocoa powder
½ pint of boiling water
Method (Sponge base)
Measure and sieve the flour and cocoa together.
Add the margarine, caster sugar to the flour – mix/rub well together until it is like fine breadcrumbs (I use a pastry blender for a no-messy approach)
Stir into the mixture the milk and vanilla essence.
Put this mixture into a greased ovenproof dish and level out.
Method - (sauce)
Sieve the light brown sugar and the cocoa powder together and mix well.
Sprinkle the sugar mix over evenly the sponge base.
Once ready for baking put the dish on a baking tray and boil the water.
Pour the ½ pint of water over the mixture and bake at 170°c for 35 minutes.
Once out of the oven sprinkle over some icing sugar that gives the effect we all remember at school!